Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Ebay Powersellers Fulfillment Division Within ASC Gets Green Light

American Shipping Centers has opened a new division within its business confines specializing in care of Ebay powersellers. The new division is being built upon the foundation of services already offered by ASC, and being customized to provide ebay powersellers with a simple, low cost solution to spending hours packaging and shipping their auction items.

"For sure we are excited about the new opportunity," says division manager Donna Souza, "it represents a market that is consistently looked over by the fulfillment community because most powersellers only ship between 100-200 items per month." (Many fulfillment companies require at least 400 items ship per month to make it worth taking the account). "We are fairly confident we can not only save powersellers a ton of time by relieving the burden of having to ship their auction items out each day, but in certain instances we can also do it for cheaper than they can."

When asked how they could provide it cheaper than the ebay powerseller souza replied, "Its all a matter of savings. Our company gets great rates on the two biggest cost items powersellers face: shipping materials and shipping costs. We pass these lower costs that the powersellers would incur anyways back to them at cost, saving them a lot of money. The cost of our fulfillment services, packaging, and shipping will typically hover right around the cost point the powerseller was paying for just the packaing and shipping."

In touting the advantages of the new services, company President, Jeff Lever stated, "We feel that we can ultimately save people a lot of time and money. Most operations are run from people's homes. We clear out the clutter all of the ebay auction items cause, along with giving ebayers more time to spend with families or grow their business. We can also provide them with better quality shipping materials and packaging, preventing returns due to damaged goods."

"Our software development team is currently working on some new technology to direclty integrate into online stores and accept orders as soon as the auction ends." Known as 'Auctionwatch', it will allow almost instantaneous fulfillment of ebay auction wins. "The orders should come directly to the pick stations so the packers can get right on top of the auction orders," said Lever.

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